Support: South Asia Region

Support: South Asia Region

$5,000 remaining
$0 raised
0% of $5,000 goal
  • Total IDEAS
  • Arise Asia
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Support South Asia or you can add the country you wish to direct your donation towards in the comment section or leave it blank for a general scholarship for someone in need.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $15.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $25.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $50. 

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $100. 

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $200.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $300. This includes conference registration, hotel, food, and local transportation.

About This Project

Partner with South Asian Countries: India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan

          The spread of the gospel in South Asia is an ongoing process and varies greatly from one area to another. Though it may seem diverse, Christianity has a significant presence in some parts of South Asia. For example, in India, which has the largest population in the region, Christians make up around 2.3% of the population. 7.4% of the population in Sri Lanka while in Bangladesh, Christians make up less than 1% of the population. There are also significant Christian populations in other countries in the region, such as Pakistan, Nepal, and Bhutan. However, in some areas of South Asia, particularly in rural areas, the gospel has not yet been widely embraced.

Despite all these, many Christians in South Asia continue to share the gospel and live out their faith in practical ways, seeking to make a positive impact on their communities.

As you partner with us, kindly specify which country you are partnering with.

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