Partner with Turkey

Partner with Turkey

$1,500 remaining
$0 raised
0% of $1,500 goal
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  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

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Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $15.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $25.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $50.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $100. 

About This Project

One way Turkish Christians fight persecution is by advocating for their rights and raising awareness about the discrimination they face. They work with human rights organizations and participate in public demonstrations to raise awareness of their struggles.

Additionally, Turkish Christians have established their own organizations and churches to promote their beliefs and values. These organizations provide a sense of community and support for Turkish Christians, helping them to feel less isolated and vulnerable.

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