Arise Asia: Costly Generosity

Arise Asia: Costly Generosity

$4,676 raised
  • Total IDEAS
  • Arise Asia
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Please share a testimony of 'costly generosity' and your country of origin.

About This Project

"And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” (II Corinthians 8:1-3, NIV)

These words resonate deeply with our cause, as we believe that even the smallest contributions can make an immense impact when driven by a shared purpose.

Arise Asia 2023 started with a $55,000 donation from persecuted churches, which has served as a driving force for the progress of our fundraising. Now, we extend our invitation to smaller churches and christians under “severe trial... extreme poverty”, to join the campaign and contribute significantly in completing our final donation target.

Please share a quick testimony of 'costly generousity' and country where you are from.


"Thank you so much for all that you all are doing for the next Gen and I am so excited about that. It was nice to be in the prayer and especially the breakout room where Brother George you and I were there, you had encouraged me to raise some funds for Conference and it would be nice that out of the scarcity Nepal had given will be a breakthrough. I was encouraged I am so sorry could not raise funds but I was stirred up to send whatever I can in my capacity and would love to contribute $300 from my side." Rupa, from Nepal 7/20/2023

"Our students are giving for the last two to three weeks of their mission offering for Arise. All of them don't have money to pay their fees (and are under scholarship) but they shared willingly what they could from their limited resource. Our team as they come will bring. I don't know how much they gathered but will let you know." Finny from India 7/24/2023

"My church of 10 to 15 people will be donating funds for Arise." Ashish from India 7/24/2023

"Yes, Sir, as an indigenous local fellowship, we started in 1977 with a small number of believers.    But as God Himself caused exponential growth numerically, we had to move to several locations to accommodate the weekly attendance of the members in fellowship.  God Himself added new souls to the church every day amidst severe persecution socially, religiously, culturally, and legally.  As an indigenous and interdenominational Church, God has been gracious to us to stay on the cutting edge of local, national, and global outreach, literally planting sustainable and satellite churches in many remote and rural villages of Nepal.  We’re based in Lalitpur.  Our prayers are for you, for your leaders, and for the participants who will represent several countries continentally and globally.  

Dear Dr. David, so good to connect with you yesterday on WhatsApp.  Thank you so much for sharing about “Arise Asia 2023.”  Our collective prayers are for you, for your leadership team, and for the entire success of the event.  We are sending the following energetic young men from Nepal.  In the pictures below, left to right:  01: Nimraj J, vice chairperson, National Youth Commission of the National Churches Fellowship of Nepal (NCFN) 02: Bikkal S, member Youth Commission, NFCN, 03: Ashish P: Chairperson, provincial youth commission, province 4, NCFN, 04: Edwin B M, Chairperson, province 5, youth commission, NFCN, 05: Gyan Bahadur T, chairperson, central and national youth commission, NCFN, 06: Kishor S, treasurer, national youth commission.  Thank you so much for inviting our young people to attend a massive youth gathering scheduled to kick off this week in Thailand.  Hoping to connect with you again.  Our prayers are with you." Pastor Hanok from Nepal, 7/24/2023.

Dear David,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your exceptional leadership and vision of Arise Asia.

More than 80 young people attended the conference from northeast India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Thank you so much for your support to Bhutan participants. We all were blessed.

Hope you got Nepal’s contribution. Even though it was very small but we appreciate their heart.

Furthermore, your strong sense of integrity and ethics have set an exemplary standard for us all. 

As you step forward in your journey, I want to assure you that your legacy as a leader will continue to inspire and guide many of our young people from Asia and beyond.

Once again, thank you for your extraordinary leadership, dedication, and commitment. I wish you continued success and fulfillment in all your future endeavours.

Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak His Word with one of the Burmese Thai fellowship in Bangkok.

George from Northeast India, 7/31/2023.





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