Arise Sri Lanka

Arise Sri Lanka

$19,000 remaining
$0 raised
0% of $19,000 goal
  • Total IDEAS
  • Support
  • Donations to this project are not tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

You can add the country you wish to direct your donation towards in the comment section or leave it blank for a general scholarship for someone in need.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $50.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $100.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $200.

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $300. This includes conference registration, hotel, food, and local transportation.

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