Arise Japan

Arise Japan

$1,500 remaining
$0 raised
0% of $1,500 goal
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  • Support
  • Donations to this project are not tax-deductible

How You Can Help

Support a Participant

Support a Participant

Support an Arise Asia participant to attend for $300. This includes conference registration, hotel, food, and local transportation.

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

You can add the country you wish to direct your donation towards in the comment section or leave it blank for a general scholarship for someone in need.

About This Project

The Christian community in Japan is active and diverse, with a mix of Protestant and Catholic denominations. Japanese Christians are involved in a range of activities, including evangelism, social welfare, and interfaith dialogue. Christian organizations have also been active in promoting peace and justice in Japan, particularly in the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Despite facing some challenges, such as societal pressure to conform to traditional Japanese values and customs, the Christian community in Japan remains dedicated and resilient, contributing to the country's religious and cultural diversity.

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