Arise Asia Conference 2026

Arise Asia Conference 2026

$107,100 raised
  • Total IDEAS
  • Arise Asia
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project


The upcoming Arise Asia 2026 conference is set to be a landmark gathering with a primary focus on advancing the mission of "Go Where There is No Gospel" among the next generation. This conference is tailored for individuals aged 18 to 35, encompassing youth, students, and young professionals.

Arise Asia movement continues to inspire and equip participants with the tools and knowledge needed for mission work. Its goal is to empower and mobilize young individuals, encouraging them to be catalysts for positive change in their communities and beyond.

While the venue details are still being finalized, the conference is scheduled for July 2026 and is expected to draw approximately 5000-6000 participants from 40 Asian countries. The event will include workshops, and talks by seasoned speakers, pastors, and missionaries, featuring sessions covering diverse mission-related topics like evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and cross-cultural ministry.

Furthermore, the Arise Asia 2026 movement will be launched to uphold and nurture the mission initiatives sparked during the conference. This movement will deliver ongoing resources, training, and networking avenues, ensuring that participants persist in advancing the Gospel within their individual areas of impact

The primary objective of the Arise Asia 2026 conference is to inspire, mobilize, and empower young individuals, urging them to play a crucial role in sharing the message of Jesus Christ. This mission goes beyond boundaries, encompassing not only one country but also extending to the nations of Asia and even the farthest corners of the earth.

Recent Supporters

  • Seth 1 day ago
  • Fsf 1 month ago
  • John Jane Lo c/o Morgan Stanley 2 months ago
  • Bridge Builders 3 months ago
  • Philip 3 months ago
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